2. History


Intel did release some 4bit processors in the beginning but the first meaningful processor was 8080, an 8bit processor. The processor became popular due to its simplistic design and versatile architecture. Based on the experience gained from 8080, an advanced version was released as 8085. The processor became widely popular in the engineering community again due to its simple and logical nature.

Intel introduced the first 16bit processor named 8088 at a time when the concept of personal computer was evolving. With a maximum memory of 64K on the 8085, the 8088 allowed a whole mega byte. IBM embedded this processor in their personal computer. The first machines ran at 4.43 MHz; a blazing speed at that time. This was the right thing at the right moment. No one expected this to become the biggest success of computing history. IBM PC XT became so popular and successful due to its open architecture and easily available information.

The success was unexpected for the developers themselves. As when Intel introduced the processor it contained a timer tick count which was valid for five years only. They never anticipated the architecture to stay around for more than five years but the history took a turn and the architecture is there at every desk even after 25 years and the tick is to be specially handled every now and then.









