The fact that a wire
conducting a current can become hot is evident that the work done by the
applied voltage in producing current is due to accomplishment against
some form of opposition.
This opposition, which limits
the current , is called resistance.
The atoms of a copper wire
have a large number of free electrons, which can be moved easily by a
potential difference.
Therefore, the copper wire has
little opposition to the flow of free electrons when voltage is applied,
corresponding to low value of resistance.
Carbon, however, has fewer
free electrons than copper.
When the same amount of
voltage is applied to the carbon as to the copper ,fewer electrons will
Carbon opposes the current
more than copper, therefore, has a higher value of resistance.
The practical unit of
resistance is the ohm.
A resistance that develops
0.24 calorie of heat when one ampere of current flows through it,
for one second will have opposition of one ohm.
The symbol for resistance
is R.
The abbreviation used for
the ohm is the Greek letter OMEGA (W).
In diagrams
resistance is indicated by a zigzag line.