Intended Readers: All
students who are enrolled in Fall 2008 Semester in CS619 (Final Project)
Following are some important points in order to take the Final
· Enroll in the course: CS619 for Fall 2008 Semester (Contact in case you are not already enrolled)
· Minimum CGPA to take a final project for BS(CS/IT), MCS/MIT students is 1.75, so don't enroll in CS619 course or drop CS619 course from your course selection if your CGPA is below 1.75
· BS CS/IT students must have completed 90 Credit Hours to become eligible for taking final project so don't enroll in CS619 course or drop CS619 from your course selection if you have earned less than 90 Credit Hours in your BS CS/IT program.
· MCS/MIT Students must have completed 30 credit hours to become eligible for taking the final project. So don’t enroll in CS619 course or drop your CS619 course from your course selection if you have earned less than 30 credit hours.
· Maximum two members are allowed in a group.
Eligible groups should
send their respective group details (project title, project code, names of all
members, ids of all members) till 13th October 2008 on No request will be entertained after the
mentioned date.
· Request for the project titles and groups will be entertained only once, so select a project title and group members very carefully.
· Research Thesis are not offered anymore, so students cannot request for any thesis/research work.
You are highly recommended to read the Project
Titles and General Guidelines document carefully (link is provided below).
· The list for eligible groups of final projects will be published on 16th October 2008
Final Project Titles for Fall 2008
Semester have been announced. Below is the link to view the Final Project
Titles and General Guidelines
A submission calendar (schedule) will be provided after completion of the registration for the offered project titles
Note: The Final Project would be discarded any time if any student found not enrolled in CS619 course in Fall 2008 semester.