Let’s start with the data members first. These are given at the bottom of the class body with the scope mentioned as private. These data members are actually two parts of a linked list’s node. First variable is object of type int, present there to store the data part of the node. The second variable is nextNode, which is a pointer to an object of type Node. It has the address of the next element of the linked list. The very first public function given at the top is get(). We have written its code within the class Node. It returns back the value of the variable object i.e. of the type of int. When we write class in C++, normally, we make two files (.h and .cpp) for a class. The .h file contains the declarations of public and private members of that class. The public methods are essentially the interface of the class to be employed by the users of this class. The .cpp file contains the implementation for the class methods that has the actual code. This is usually the way that we write two files for one class. But this is not mandatory. In the code given above, we have only one file .cpp, instead of separating into two files. As the class methods are very small, so their code is written within the body of the class. This facilitates us in carrying on discussion. Thus instead of talking about two files, we will only refer to one file. On the other hand, compiler takes these functions differently that are called inline functions. The compiler replaces the code of these inline functions wherever the call to them is made.