Linked List inside Memory



Fig 1. Linked list in memory

There are two parts of this figure. On the left is the linked list chain that is actually the conceptual view of the linked list and on the right is the linked list inside the computer memory. Right part is a snapshot of the computer memory with memory addresses from 1051 to 1065. The head pointer is pointing to the first element in the linked list. Note that head itself is present in the memory at address 1062. It is actually a pointer containing the memory address 1054.

Each node in the above linked list has two parts i.e. the data part of the node and the pointer to the next node. The first node of the linked list pointed by the head pointer is stored at memory address 1054. We can see the data element 2 present at that address. The second part of the first node contains the memory address 1051. So the second linked list’s node starts at memory address 1051. We can use its pointer part to reach the third node of the list and in this way, we can traverse the whole list. The last node contains 1 in its data part and 0 in its pointer part. 0 indicates that it is not pointing to any node and it is the last node of the linked list.