Sometimes, you would like to use an array data structure but may lack the information about the size of the array at compile time. Take the example of telephone directory. You have to store one lakh (100,000) names in an array. But you never know that the  number of  entries may get double or decline in future. Similarly, you can not say that the total population of the country is one crore (10 million) and declare an array of one crore names. You can use one lakh locations now and remaining will be used as the need arrives. But this is not a good way of using the computer resources. You have declared a very big array while using a very small chunk of it. Thus the remaining space goes waste which can, otherwise, be used by some other programs. We will see what can be the possible solution of this problem?


Suppose you need an integer array of size n after the execution of the program. We have studied that if it is known at the execution of the program that an array of size 20 or 30 is needed, it is allocated dynamically. The programming statement is as follows:


            int*  y = new int[20]; 


It means we are requesting computer to find twenty memory locations. On finding it, the computer will give the address of first location to the programmer which will be stored in   y. Arrays locations are contiguous i.e. these are adjacent. These twenty locations will be contiguous, meaning that they will be neighbors to each other. Now y has become an array and we can say y[0] =1 or y[5] = 15. Here y is an lvalue. Being a pointer, it is a variable where we can store the address of some variable. When we said int* y = new int[20];  the new returns the memory address of first of the twenty locations and we store that address into y. As y is a pointer variable so it can be used on the left-hand side.