To manipulate the first element, we will use the index zero as x[0] and so on. The arrays look like in the memory as follows:

Organization Chart

Array occupies contiguous memory area in the computer. In case of the above example, if some location is assigned to x[0], the next location can not contain data other than x[1]. The computer memory can be thought of as an array. It is a very big array. Suppose a computer has memory of 2MB, you can think it as an array of size 2 million and the size of each item is 32 bits. You will study in detail about it in the computer organization, and Assembly language courses. In this array, we will put our programs, data and other things.


In the above program, we have declared an array named x. ‘x’ is an array’s name but there is no variable x. ‘x’ is not an lvalue. If some variable can be written on the left- hand side of an assignment statement, this is lvalue variable. It means it has some memory associated with it and some value can be assigned to it. For example, if we have the code  int a, b; it can be written as b = 2; it means that put 2 in the memory location named b. We can also write as a = b; it means whatever b has assign it to a, that is a copy operation. If we write as a = 5; it means put the number 5 in the memory location which is named as a. But we cannot write 2 = a; that is to put at number 2 what ever the value of a is. Why can’t we do that? Number 2 is a constant. If we allow assignment to constants what will happen? Suppose ‘a’ has the value number 3. Now we assigned number 2 the number 3 i.e. all the number 2 will become number 3 and the result of 2 + 2 will become 6. Therefore it is not allowed.