Course Title : Data Structures


  • Lecture No. 1


Introduction to Data Structures

Selecting a Data Structure

Data Structure Philosophy



Goals of this Course


List data structure







Welcome to the course of data structure. This is very important subject as the topics covered in it will be encountered by you again and again in the future courses. Due to its great applicability, this is usually called as the foundation course. You have already studied Introduction to programming using C and C++ and used some data structures. The focus of that course was on how to carry out programming with the use of C and C++ languages besides the resolution of different problems. In this course, we will continue problem solving and see that the organization of data in some cases is of immense importance. Therefore, the data will be stored in a special way so that the required result should be calculated as fast as possible.


Following are the goals of this course:


  • Prepare the students for (and is a pre-requisite for) the more advanced material students will encounter in later courses.
  • Cover well-known data structures such as dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs.
  • Implement data structures in C++


You have already studied the dynamic arrays in the previous course. We will now discuss linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs and try to resolve the problems with the help of these data structures. These structures will be implemented in C++ language. We will also do programming assignments to see the usage and importance of these structures. 


The grading of the course is divided as:


  • Term Exam 1                                                     20%
  • Term Exam 2                                                     20%
  • Final                                                                 35%
  • 8 Programming Assignments                              25%


Information about Data Structure subject is available at: “”.